2020 Adventure

Time to re-boot and rejuvenate

30 Nov 2020

Six years on from our last sabbatical and it’s about time for the next!  It was a monumental decision, but I decided to resign from my job, with a rough plan of taking a year off to pursue some creative projects I’ve been wanting to explore for years.

I feel a calling in my heart for something more in life, than my career: for living a three dimensional life. Don’t get me wrong, I love my career. It’s invigorating, rewarding and challenging. But lately I’ve noticed that feeling of being constantly ON (head full of thoughts, hectic schedules – you know the drill) is starting to erode my natural buoyancy and enthusiasm to create. 

A creative rejuvenation, is in order!

When researching about how to explain my thinking, I realised that I am not alone. Not by a long shot. The midlife sabbatical, is a thing. A gap year for grown-ups, as Marc Freedman calls it. 

“A chance to stop and think, to travel, and to gain the perspective and energy necessary for making the most of what’s next.”

David will take some time off while we travel, but he has a portable setup so he can continue working on the road.  Our epic road trips will not be as pre-planned as past adventures. We have bought a huge (to us) 4WD so we can just go where the road takes us. 

We’ll start simply and explore the East Coast of Australia, down to Tasmania, and hopefully across to South Australia and the Flinders Ranges.  First up, we’re heading north through Central NSW up to Brisbane for Christmas with the family. 

Besides exploring Australia, I plan to use the time to throw myself back into my art practise and to consider writing a non-fiction book; to go cross-country mountain biking, learn ocean swimming; and to deal with that shoe-box of travel photographs from 20 years ago!

To make sure I don’t waste this opportunity, I should have a plan; a Creative Sabbatical Manifesto.

  • Focus on training: running, riding, swimming and strength
  • Eat well: fresh food and more plant based
  • Reconnect with friends in each location
  • Seek out interesting art and contemporary music
  • Keep a visual diary and reconnect with painting
  • Write a little everyday
  • Be in the moment more often